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Team Membership

Team Membership


I have collected data over the last four years on how people that have used our product have finished, and the results were good. I also noticed that the less we did or the less product that the customer was using the worst we did.  This lead me to study the reason and to determine why, at first I felt that we had something going on that was “magical”, well that is crazy because it don’t work that way, then I realized, what was working was how we did it.   Consistency was the name of the game, it’s how we build the parts that make the difference in how well they work. When you have a really consistent car you can make the good calls about what you want to do with the car. This wins races, a good driving and a consistent car with a solid setup and that is what I want to offer to you in this program. The more parts you use and the more we can teach you about those parts the better you can do with them and together we will win more races.

I know what you think, this is all about selling more stuff, well if it was I wouldn’t need to do all of this, and if you know me you know one thing, I WANT TO WIN.  I see where a gap has opened between winning and following the leader and I want to close that gap.


First the cost of the program is the same for everyone, and there is NO deals on it, if you can’t honor the price than you will be a poor team member.  The cost is $250.00 dollars per year, this is like 2 tires it is not that much.  This gets you the promotional stuff to help promote BSB, a discount and a membership card that allows you to receive tech help when you need it. Each year as we grow the discount will increase allowing you to climb the team ladder to success. You will also be first to try new product, we will update you via our Facebook page Team BSB or software as to new products and testing of those new products. We work each year with a wide array of the sports top people and this allows us to stay on top of new idea and bad one too, and we pass these thing on to you. We are working on  web-based program to allow us to communicate without spending time on the phone, this is for updating setup sheets and results, allowing us to track the data and see the improvements.  Join us in 2020 and let’s make racing a better place to be. Go Fast and God Bless.

  • Benifits:

    1st open communications between you and me to better your program, allowing us to stay in contact better and to improve on race setup and tech. Dynamic Setup Service to grow your cars set up to a top level team instead of repeating the same thing week after week. Keeps you up to date on all the latest trend on the market, good and bad, while breaking new setup procedures to help you win. 


    2nd It gives you a unique id number that allows for fast respond time from us because it notified us that a team member has called.


    3rd Gives you promotional hardware such as Banner, shirts, hat and decals to help promote BSB on social media such as Facebook and at the track.


    4th Gives you a discount that grows as you move up the Team ladder.

  • Sign Up Form

    This link will take you to the signup form, after that someone will contact you for payment.



    Looking forward to a GREAT Season.

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